The LORD will perfect that which concerns me: your mercy, O LORD, endured for ever: forsake not the works of your own hands”. Psalms 138:8

The story of my early life will not only give insight into the shaping of a great leader but, a living proof of how Jesus Christ still heal the sick today and how He can transform a nobody to make him somebody. The Lord Jesus raised me from grass to grace and set me upon the pillars of the earth as a living testimony.

I was born in my beloved small village, Nabusere in the District of Iganga, located in the Eastern Region of Uganda. My parents being farmers gave birth to twelve (12) children. All of us didn’t find life easy because of the political upheaval in Uganda during the regime of Idi Amin that led the country into extreme hardship and also by the epidemic of HIV/AIDs virus, which killed and left many as widows and orphans.

Though my parents were not infected with that deadly monster virus, eight (8) of their children did and were no more. Mum is still alive, but my father passed away after he was diagnosed with lung cancer. My mum was happy to have four survivals who were not infected. But to her greatest surprise, I became the next victim expected to die in a short while.  

I grew up with the memories of how my siblings died painfully because of this deadly virus. Such experience should had taught me a lesson to “ABSTAIN FROM SEX” until after marriage. But because I was not born again and never heard the gospel preached to me, I lunched deeper into immorality.

In those days, there were no churches within our community. Our parents had no knowledge of God and because of hardship, they were selling the local brewed wine called “Waraji”. It was in such an ungodly environment we were raised. Like Lot in Sodom, “in seeing and hearing their filthy conversation… and unlawful deeds”, we were influenced and misguided. 2 Pet.2:7-8


It was in the year of 1993 when the HIV/AIDs epidemic was at its peak in Uganda that I became terribly sick.

After taking few medication with no improvement, I decided to go for HIV/AIDs test at the Jinja District Hospital in Uganda. And to my greatest surprise, the result was positive.

Sometimes life will hand us trials and troubles that seem impossible. We sense defeat before we’ve even begun to fight. Such was my case. I knew I had played a very promiscuous life, but it never occurred to me that I “Joshua Omalla” could have contracted the killer virus.

When I walked out of the Hospital, I was very confused and darkness consumed my entire being. I could not think properly and the only thing I wanted to do was either to rush to the Owen Falls Dam and commit suicide as soon as possible or go to Jinja Gardens and find an easier way of ending my miserable life.

While on the way, I changed my mind and decided to move on as I await my “return to the DUST”. Since I was told that there is no cure for HIV/AIDs, I went on spreading the virus intentionally through promiscuity so that I don’t die alone.

Within the space of three months, I went on a fornication spree and slept with a total of 43 women. In that moment, I didn’t care whether they were married or single, HIV positive or negative. All I wanted was to die with as many people as possible. And so I plunged into the world of darkness while my health was deteriorating. But the Lord interrupted my journey to hell because He has a better plan for my life.


As days gone by, my body became overly diluted; thin and insipid. My aged mother alone couldn’t gave me the needed support and care. In my predicament, I totally lost hope about life. Then my Brother who was a Dermatologist at Mombasa came to my rescue after he heard about my illness. For the past 7 years since he left Uganda, he never return home until that fateful day because God has a better plan for me in Kenya. He took me out of Uganda and brought me to Kenya. 

It was while in Kenya that I had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, who healed me from HIV/AIDs and save my soul from sin and death. I remember vividly when the Lord visited me early in the morning at around 4pm in my room. In a vision, I witnessed a startling scene. A man (whom I later realize was Jesus) dressed in a white robe with what looked like flames of fire coming from His mouth and very bright light emitting from Him, appeared before me and said, “Joshua, Joshua, no man will see God unless he passes through Jesus Christ”.

After few days my health deteriorated instead of improving and I did not understand the seeming contradiction. It never occurred to me that it’s through some very bitter trials that the Lord would eventually led me to receive healing through His servant Bishop Joseph Maisha of Ushindi Baptist Church, Likoni, Mombasa.

While in the church, the Bishop prayed with me and declared healing in Jesus name. I felt the anointing of God coming upon me. As the Bishop released the Blood of Jesus, my blood was instantly cleansed from the virus of HIV/AIDs. Suddenly, I felt differently and that was when the next part of my encounter with the Living Christ began.

Since evidence confirmed by Doctors must be provided as proof that an HIV/AIDs carrier is now totally heal by Jesus Christ, Bishop Maisha advised I go for testing. To clear the incertitude, I went to Pandya Hospital for complete medical examinations. I told the Doctor that Jesus has healed me, but he doubted. He tested and re-tested me but to his greatest shock, the result was negative.

That same day, four other Doctors were summoned to verify my divine healing, and the rest is history. Since then I have continued to do HIV/AIDs test every year and the results are always the same.

The Lord Jesus Christ healed me from HIV/AIDs and delivered me from sin. He forgave all my iniquities and restored my health according to Psalms 103: 2- 5 “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: 3Who forgives all your iniquities; who heals all your diseases; 4Who redeems your life from destruction; who crowns you with loving kindness and tender mercies; 5Who satisfies your mouth with good things; so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's”.

The Lord Jesus Christ who alone has power to cure AIDs can heal you today and give you hope if perhaps you have fallen victim to this deadly virus or any other illness. He is the Saviour who died “return to the DUST” on our behalves to redeem us from the power of sin, sickness, disease and death. He died for our sins on the cross that we may rejoice with Him in Heaven. His blood cleanses us from all sins and grant forgiveness to all who comes to Him.

Today, I am a happily married man, blessed with two boys without a trace of HIV/AIDs either in me, my wife or children. 

I also had the privilege of traveling to different countries, preaching the good news of the Kingdom and setting people free from the cruel hands of this deadly virus and other bondages.

Who will ever believe that the young man with HIV/AIDs virus, who was almost dying but received healing from Jesus Christ, got married, bore children and now preaching the gospel!

This is undeniable evidence that Jesus still heal today, I give Him all the glory, Halleluiah!

Apostle Joshua Omalla

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